Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Living On Twitter

      ·        Should I just post my blog entry on Twitter, line by line?
·        It kind of makes you think, doesn’t it?
·        Can I then tweet each question, one at a time, spanning the full blog post?
·        I don’t see why not, do you?
·        How many tweets use up exactly 140 characters?
·        How often do you type a tweet that oversteps the 140 limit, requiring you to truncate your jeweled thought?
·        How often does someone send out the same tweet as another?
·        What percentage of tweets contain a link?
·        How frequently do we repeat our own tweet, accidently or intentionally?
·        How often is a tweet retweeted?
·        Do you spend more time tweeting or reading other tweets?
·        Do you struggle to find something to tweet about – or do you want to empty out everything on your mind?
·        Are you jealous or envious of people with large Twitter followings?
·        Do you read several tweets in a row and find you have no clue what is being said?
·        Will Twitter damage our ability to use big words or to express thoughts beyond a dozen words?
·        Can tweeting help stimulate our brain, like a Rubik’s Cube, and stave off Alzheimer’s?
·        Does the world seem more exciting on Twitter or would you rather do laundry – and then tweet about it?
·        Has anyone invented a Twitter app where it spits out potential tweets that you then choose to send?
·        How often must one tweet in the course of a day to build up a substantial following?
·        Is Twitter dominated by marketers who hawk something or do ordinary people use it just to tell us they ate pizza?
·        Did you know there are 17,576 possible 3-letter tweets, if all possible letter combinations could form real words?
·        And 6-letter tweet combo possibilities number over 308 million?
·        How many possible tweets could there be when assigning a letter to each character but allow for spaces/punctuation?
·        With 2 million words in the English language is there an exact formula to ponder how many different tweets could exist?
·        If you add in countless names, misspellings, and made-up words, do you know how many tweets will come?
·        How often do  you post the same thing on Facebook as you do Twitter?
·        Would you pay money if it meant your tweets could exceed 140 characters?
·        Do you make life decisions based on what you read on Twitter?
·        How many tweets use fewer than 50 characters – enough to say 6-10 words depending on length and spelling?
·        Will we develop a whole new language on Twitter, a kind of Moss Code?
·        When’s the last time you mailed a letter to someone that didn’t contain a solicitation?
·        What is the ratio or correlation between the number of Twitter followers and the number of tweets you sent?
·        Did you know I sampled 10 non-celebrity twits and found the average tweeter sends 1.5 tweets per person they follow?
·        Or that they have twice as many following them than they follow?
·        How many tweets does one send out to everyone vs. one on one or private ones?
·        Why do I have so many questions about Twitter?
·        How many books has Twitter sold?
·        If you could change one thing about Twitter, what would it be?
·        Will you tweet my blog post?
·        Will you now question all facets of Twitter?

The above series of questions were posted, one by one, on Twitter today. I am not sure why I did it, just as an artist probably doesn't know why he or she splashes a canvass a certain way. But these are all questions that came to me naturally. I am both curious with and disgusted by Twitter. It is the medium I love to hate and hate to love. But it has great potential, if one can harness it properly.

I tweet, therefore I am.

Brian Feinblum’s views, opinions, and ideas expressed in this blog are his alone and not that of his employer. You can follow him on Twitter @theprexpert and email him at He feels more important when discussed in the third-person.

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