1. What is your book, Wilderness Woman: A
Triumphant Spirit, about? My
book is a powerful memoir which recounts my turmoil of childhood experiences
and my journey towards healing. The
subtitle, A Triumphant Spirit – emphasizes the transformative power of love,
faith and connection with nature. I
refused to let my wounded past define me!
When I turned twenty-six years of age, I was wise enough to seek out
help with pastors and counselors. Their
resources helped me overcome the pain of a crumbling marriage – divorce – and
deep loneliness. The heart of my story is FAITH – I’ve learned when I am weak,
then in the Lord, I discover my strength.
I wrote to those who struggle with past wounds and desire to become A
Triumphant Spirit!
2. What inspired you to tell such a difficult
story? I write to bring Hope to others thru their days of healing
therapy! I learned by sharing my story,
that my load of buried memories grew lighter.
I gently began peeling my onion layers off – I began to see my jumbled
life pieces fitting together –which began to make sense! I faithfully kept chipping away at my pile of
unjustifiable treatment. I previously
felt like I had been thrown to the wolves. I chose to TAME my dragons Not Slay
them! In my eighty’s I experienced a miracle of EMDR Therapy, my assignment was
to sit down and write out ten of the most traumatic events in my young
life. My therapist and myself decided
which event to (go thru the pain) during each session. My goal was to gain more control over each of
my memories. Quote: from Winston Churchill “We make a fellow person better by what we
3. What role has faith played in the
restoration of your life? FAITH is Forsaking All I Trust Him!The Lord,
restored my body, mind, and my soul!
The Lord knew my love for His creation -- my safe place has always been, “In The
Woods.” As I look back seventy plus
years - I’ve used all my senses: Visual
– smell – hearing – and touch- as I
walked thru those dark and winding valleys of buried memories. God drops reminders of His assurance that
He’s still with me! One golden moment
after a spring rain I was walking along side a shallow creek. I glanced down and picked up an
arrowhead. It had been skillfully craved
from a light blue marbled flint rock. I
called my arrowhead expert friend. Yes,
“this 3” long arrowhead would bring down an adult deer. The second golden
moment while out on Christmas Day afternoon I had settled down and was
concealed in hunting gear, waiting for
…And a trophy buck came strolling out of the field, a few
feet from me and I slowly raised my
camera, to get my shot. A month later I was hiking near the same area
and found the SAME buck’s antler. I had
compared it to my photo of the buck. WOW, God’s So Good!
4. What advice do you have for millions
of others seeking to find normalcy in life after being a child abuse victim? Let’s revise the last part of the
question! Yes, I was an abused child – I
removed the SHAME Label, I ‘m now an OVERCOMER! There was no good family
comparison. The Fraternal Grandma was in
charge of my grooming. She kept the
chocolate covered cherries in her ice box and an innocent, warm, and wiggle
puppy! I was their possession – body, mind and my soul. My advice is to have courage and quickly seek
help! It is very hard to trust anyone or
just even trust myself! The results
were, Seeing myself in a new way. During my parents’ divorce at age four I was
defenseless. The judge took me into his
chamber room. He asked me which parent
would I prefer to live with?
I chose Mom - the lesser of two evils.
5. Over three million child abuse or neglect
cases are opened annually in the United States. Why does this epidemic exist
today? In my case the Division of Family Services was
not established: Now we have a Law –
mandated reporters. The number one
urgent social problem is the safety of our children. They are our future! The border crossings expose women and 300,00
children are missing and being used for sex-trafficking. Fatherless – child abuse effects each
generation. I began addressing my abuse
early as an angry mom. I learned quickly as an infant to watch for the unspoken
body language, from my family of origin. The evil caregivers concealed the
Family Secrets. Due to my abuse from an
infant, thru fours old, I was vulnerable with delayed speech abilities! Here
are common cooping tools used by abused children and adults… To Fight or Flight – or to (FREEZE was my
chose and stop breathing to appear smaller.
6. Early in your life you learned an ugly
lesson: You didn’t deserve happiness. How did you unlearn it? Very Important: Thru therapy starting over forty years ago I
started Talk Therapy which takes more sessions, to detangle my can of worms.
Talk Therapy verses E M D R Therapy -- The Difference! In Talk Therapy were conversations
– we worked on my thoughts, emotions and behaviors. I learned new coping tools to change negative
to positive thoughts. At age eighty-one
years young, I started E M D R Therapy which Eye Movement
Desensitize and Reprocess. This therapy results in fewer therapy
sessions (I go thru the pain of PTDS memories.). Goal: Relieve the stress of
PTDS memories and emotional impact. We
selected ten major traumatic events in my young life. I wrote in details of the ten traumas. We confronted each trauma, in a one-hour
session. The traumas were (blocked or STUCK) in my brain. The EMDR process cleared the (blockage) to
let the left side of my brain begin to calm down and heal my thought process -
thus it helped with my depression and anxiety!
The abuse in your family was multi-generational. How does one finally break the cycle? To break the silence of abuse: “If you see or
hear something odd – notify someone who is in authority.” Call the police nearest the abused person. See Hotlines listed in the phone book, call
anonymously. Call The Division of Family Servicer, they are mandated
reporters. A good place to notify is
their school’s counselors. I broke the abuse cycle by listening to my gut
feelings. I realized I was an abusive
Mom Why am I so angry? My rage was
roaring inside myself and erupted onto my innocent sons! I was a new mom at twenty-four-years
old. The week after giving birth to my
two sons! Looking back, I now realized
I had postpartum depression. My migraine headaches were daily for the next four
years. These are Not excurses for child
abused!I started reaching out and searched for help by talking with my pastors
and shared my experience of uncontrolled
anger. I started “Talk Therapy” which helped address my anger issues. QUOTE:
Helen Keller, was born blind and also had a hearing loss. She was an author and speaker. Her message was: “The world is full of
suffering children and adults . It’s
also FULL of the Overcoming of it”
How did your love of horses help you to mentally escape life? Now, I didn’t
realize it at the time,but I was starting Equine therapy! Being alone with my horses away from mom, was
my safe place! I watched and listened
with my heart as the horses taught me how to heal. We shared unconditional love. Most days were uneventful! I learned that Horses also have non-verbal
body language. If my horses’ ears were
back – tail swishing = this says , “Lady,
back off!” My pre-teen years with my horses helped my self-esteem and
confidence grow. I quickly developed
self-control. Example: When one of my horses stepped on my foot – I
didn’t hit back. Instead, I took a deep breath and quietly signed. Horses are a prey animal with acute
hearing and watch for unexpected movement.
“Our goal in life is to SURVIVE.”
QUOTE: “Inside every wild horse
is a Gentle Horse!”
9. How did the way you were treated as
a child impact and influence how you raised your children? Yes, my childhood impacted how I raised my
children! I was an Abusive MOM! I was afraid to have children! I asked myself, “Would I be an abusive
mom?” Some good news! I do recall being a Mommy Bear! Two different times - - One son was four
years old -- and about three years later, the other son was seven years
old. Two pre-teen girls at two different
times tried to molest my sons. I used
God’s given intuition - “a hunch” which stopped these events from happening!
Looking back fifty plus years after giving birth to my twins, I had deep
depression. I lacked a natural “Motherly
feelings.” This night mare haunts me to
this day! This was NOT the kind of
mother I wanted to be! Later I shared my honest feelings, which took
courage. I heard someone say, “That
happened to me too!” I later asked my
sons separately, for their forgiveness! Now I’m a fun-loving kind Grandma. I learned to re-examine my poor choices. My good Legacy is now passed onto my children
and grandchildren!
How does one get rid of a lifetime of resentments and setbacks without letting
the anger consume her? My anger and rage consumed me as a result depression
encircled my lonely body, mind and spirit! You see on my desk a can labeled,
“Worms” and an onion alongside it! Now
let’s open the can of slimy worms and peel back gently a layer and do “Talk therapy!” I’m looking out over
the country side and see a farm (Silo) which I built out of cinder blocks which
is VERY tall. I sit alone inside – there
isn’t a door to get in or OUT.
Loved ones throw their flowers and gifts over the top and drop silently
at my feet. Recently at eighty years
EMDR therapy guided me to (go thru each P T D S memory and as
helped me to see clearly how to begin to knock a hole into my
walls. FREE AT LAST!!!!!!!!!!!
Do You Need Book Marketing & PR Help?
Feinblum, the founder of this award-winning blog, with over four million page
views, can be reached at brianfeinblum@gmail.com He is available to help authors like you to promote your
story, sell your book, and grow your brand. He has over 30 years of experience
in successfully helping thousands of authors in all genres. Let him be your
advocate, teacher, and motivator!
About Brian
award-winning blog has generated over four million pageviews. With 5,000+ posts
over the past dozen years, it was named one of the best book marketing blogs by
BookBaby http://blog.bookbaby.com/2013/09/the-best-book-marketing-blogs and recognized by Feedspot in 2021
and 2018 as one of the top book marketing blogs. It was also named by www.WinningWriters.com as a "best resource.” Copyright
the past three decades, Brian Feinblum has helped thousands of authors. He
formed his own book publicity firm in 2020. Prior to that, for 21 years as the
head of marketing for the nation’s largest book publicity firm, and as the director
of publicity at two independent presses, Brian has worked with many first-time,
self-published, authors of all genres, right along with best-selling authors
and celebrities such as: Dr. Ruth, Mark Victor Hansen, Joseph Finder, Katherine
Spurway, Neil Rackham, Harvey Mackay, Ken Blanchard, Stephen Covey, Warren
Adler, Cindy Adams, Todd Duncan, Susan RoAne, John C. Maxwell, Jeff Foxworthy,
Seth Godin, and Henry Winkler.
writings are often featured in The Writer and IBPA’s
The Independent (https://pubspot.ibpa-online.org/article/whats-needed-to-promote-a-book-successfully).
hosted a panel on book publicity for Book Expo America several years ago, and
has spoken at ASJA, BookCAMP, Independent Book Publishers Association Sarah
Lawrence College, Nonfiction Writers Association, Cape Cod Writers Association,
Willamette (Portland) Writers Association, APEX, Morgan James Publishing, and
Connecticut Authors and Publishers Association. He served as a judge for the
2024 IBPA Book Awards.
letters-to-the-editor have been published in The Wall Street Journal,
USA Today, New York Post, NY Daily News, Newsday, The Journal News (Westchester)
and The Washington Post. His first published book was The
Florida Homeowner, Condo, & Co-Op Association Handbook. It
was featured in The Sun Sentinel and Miami Herald.
and raised in Brooklyn, he now resides in Westchester with his wife, two kids,
and Ferris, a black lab rescue dog, and El Chapo, a pug rescue dog.
can connect with him at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brianfeinblum/ or https://www.facebook.com/brian.feinblum
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