Monday, March 26, 2012

Former Model Inks Beautiful Ambition; The Writer Turns 125

Interview With Former Model Tara Brooke, Author Of Beautiful Ambition

Tara recently became a client of the firm I market authors for. She is a beautiful person inside and out.  The former model and mother of four-year-old twins shares her insights on many interesting areas below:

1.      Tara, what is your new book about? My book is about finding out what you really want in life and going after it with everything you have. It could be a fabulous guy/relationship, a career that you’ve always dreamed of or becoming a million air or all of the above! I believe that everyone out there can have and deserves to live their dreams to the fullest. My book will help you believe in yourself and inspire you along the way! I discuss all the important topic’s women need to know about.

2.      What inspired you to write it? My life, when I was a young girl, proved to be challenging for me. My parents went through a difficult divorce while my mother was having health challenges plus there were very difficult financial issues going on that made life hard! I knew I wanted a better life and I had big dreams. I found hope in reading motivational books and it fueled my desire to succeed   no matter what. So once I was able to change my life I wanted to provide other women with valuable information that could impact their lives for the better in every area quickly!

3.      You were a model at the age of 17 and went on to grace numerous magazine covers for a number of years. What did that experience teach you? It taught me that I could do anything, that I shouldn’t put a limit on myself. It was exciting and I enjoyed it a lot because of what I had been through. I also learned a lot about the industry and that just because you get on the cover of a magazine things don’t just fall into place. You are still responsible for being happy and that happiness, as cliché as it sounds, does come from within. A cover only stays on the newsstand for two weeks so after that then what? Life continues and you have to roll with the punches!

4.      You are very attractive: is that an asset or a burden at times? Thank you, I think it’s both. You can defiantly make it work for your benefit but at the same time it can be a double-edge sword. For example, you are going to be judged and people won’t take you seriously so then it becomes your job to prove them wrong.

5.      What can you tell women about improving their sex lives? I think it’s important to be open and love your body; confidence is everything no matter what shape or size you are. If you love your body so will he. Men don’t see the little things that we see. Don’t obsess on a little jiggle here or there. He isn’t noticing that if you are having a great time and happy that is a huge turn on! “I always say you can’t fake enthusiasm! If you are married you have to make time for sex. It has to be a top priority and you should want it!

6.      Many people seek your advice on relationships.  What do you tell them? I honestly believe that there is a special person out there for everyone! It’s so important to pay attention to the red flags that come up. How a person makes you feel is HUGE! Don’t lie to yourself and make excuses for bad behavior if you are not being treated right it won’t change! I feel like life is too short to waste on a bad relationship when you are dating! I talk a lot about what men want and how to find Mr. Right in my book but it’s also about what you want and I believe you can have it all the total package!

7.      What do you have to say about how one can achieve success? What it means to be successful is different for all of us. But let’s say you have a dream to be a singer like so many of the hopeful’s that try out for American Idol. The first thing you have to do is realize your true talent. Do you really have a GREAT voice and if that answer is yes, then you do everything you can to prefect your craft. You practice create the image that you want others to see and start daily affirmations about what you want, who you are and what opportunities are coming your way. You visualize yourself singing in front of million’s of people and I mean visualize every detail. See it in your mind’s eye. Practice what you would say and imagine yourself being on that stage living your dream. Your subconscious mind does not know the difference between what’s real and what isn’t, be aware of who is around you that’s supports your dream and who hinders it! These people can make or break your dreams! Above all things never stop trying and pushing for what you want! To have true success it takes trial and error you have to learn from it all both good and bad like everything in life.

8.      You are the co-founder of a nutrition company. What health tips do you have for people? The most important thing that I have learned in all my years of working out and trying to be healthy is that by becoming “Alkalized” you can be thin and be incredibly healthy if you are too acidic your body will store fat and your body’s natural guard is off duty so to speak. Our company,, is a category creator. We make great tasting products that help you alkalize your body so you have incredible long term health and the benefit is that it’s easy to stay slim! There is an alkaline movement happening now because so many people health is deteriorating quickly due to the food that we eat so we are excited to be leading the movement to get America healthy again.

9.      What holds many women from pursuing their dream? Fear is what holds everyone back -- fear of failure, fear of success. Fear can grip you and rob you of your dreams if you let it. I have a chapter on this subject because it’s a HUGE factor for everyone!

10.  You are a mom of twin four-year-olds. How do you balance that with your professional and personal life? It’s definitely not easy. My family is my first priority no matter what. If I am offered something that’s fun and exciting and it doesn’t make sense for my family then I pass on it! They are everything to me. Now that they are in school I have a lot more time to focus on personnel goals. We waited a long time to start our family so I was able to do a lot before we had them. Now I want to make sure I am here and connecting with them and experiencing motherhood to the fullest! But I still have dreams and personal goals.

11.  What type of childhood challenges did you overcome to become who you are today? The divorce that my parents went through was absolutely heart breaking for me. Watching my mother suffer from her health challenges was so hard at the time. She couldn’t work and had to stay focused on getting better and because of that we had no money. We moved around a lot! I was in and out of school all the time and at each school I definitely experienced my fair share of being bullied. Since I was always the new girl and I didn’t have the right clothes and shoes kids were cruel. I knew in my heart that it wouldn’t be like this forever that someday I would grow up and be able to make something happen for myself. I kept that dream alive and lived within my imagination. I thought about what I wanted every day and it saved me!

12.  How did you prepare physically for shooting the cover of Muscle and Fitness? Working as a model I knew the importance of working out and staying in shape, I also went to a performing arts high school so I was always dancing and I was a runner as well so when I booked that job I was in pretty good shape for the cover. I work out at least 5 days a week. Our bodies are made to move and it’s always been a natural desire for me to work out and be healthy!

13.  Which does more harm for a woman’s sense of image and self-confidence: Playboy or Cosmopolitan? Why? This is an interesting question because I think it depends on the women. Frankly if you are confident and more of a free spirit then both should be fine. Society will most likely look down on Playboy over Cosmopolitan but again I think it’s about being true to who you are and doing it for the right reasons. I think that if I had to choose Cosmo would be GREAT and I would feel good about it. Having a secure belief in who you are and what you want will help keep you planted firmly. It is also important to remember that you can’t please everyone all the time so do what feels right for you!

Happy 125th Birthday To The Writer Magazine

Anyone who has ever thought of writing for profit, fame, or as a hobby will at some point have read a copy of The Writer’s Digest, Publishers Weekly, or The Writer.

The Writer is celebrating its 125th anniversary this month. The publication was launched in April 1887, a mere 22 years after Lincoln was killed and the Civil War ended. A lot has happened since then – in the world, in publishing, and in society. But good writing has essentially remained the same, whether for a book, a blog, an essay, a short story, a letter, an email, a magazine article – or any form of publication. The Writer has consistently led the way to educate novice writers and to remind even successful professionals of a few tricks.

I recall reading the magazine during my college years, back in the mid-1980s. I still pick it up from time to time. I hope others do too. It is the 30th oldest magazine in the country and is a real treasure. As it noted in its current issue, “The Writer remains committed to offering our readers writerly advice that inspires, instructs, and informs.” It indeed does all of that.

Today’s writer is prolific and needs guidance to perfect and polish his or her craft. Thank you, The Writer, for always being there to lead the way.

Brian Feinblum’s views, opinions, and ideas expressed in this blog are his alone and not that of his employer. You can follow him on Twitter @theprexpert and email him at He feels more important when discussed in the third-person.

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