Thursday, September 26, 2019

Great Book On Real Estate & Entrepreneurship!

  Empowering New Book Shows The Principles Of Financial Success – And How To Succeed In Real Estate – As An Entrepreneur, Real Estate Agent or Home Owner


Can real estate – owning it, selling it, working in it – change your life the way it has for preacher-turned- real estate entrepreneur, Dr. Brian P. Simon? 

A new book shows how all facets of real estate can spur wealth, success, and fulfillment, The Real Estate Journey: From Dreaming and Home Buying to Realty and Entrepreneurship (Morgan James Publishing).

“Anyone can grow wealth with real estate, via one aspect or another,” claims Dr. Simon, who owns multiple real estate–related businesses, including construction, mortgage, and realty.

“Succeeding as an entrepreneur and real estate investor has much to do with the mind game and emotional endurance,” he says.

The Real Estate Journey dives into the multiple facets of real estate on both the personal and professional level to help readers succeed in unpacking their real estate dream, serving as a guide for those who want to get started on achieving their goals.

Dr. Simon also talks about what it takes for entrepreneurs to succeed:
·         How to overcome dream busters.
·         How you can cultivate the power of belief in yourself.
·         The skills needed to succeed in business.
·         How to turn your dream into a S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time specific) goal.
·         How to overcome risks by embracing them and not avoiding them.
·         The financial aptitudes that must be developed.

A serial entrepreneur the past 17 years, Dr. Simon honed his communication and leadership skills as a leadership coach and adjunct professor at Regent University School of Divinity.

For those struggling with believing that real estate is a viable option for building wealth, Dr. Simon offers reassurance that once people connect with their ambition, unpacking their dream and claiming their piece of the pie is simple with the guide and principles he supplies.  With authentic leadership, Dr. Simon shares a realistic outlook for entrepreneurs by sharing his own failures and successes and invites real estate agents, every day investors, and entrepreneurial spirits alike to spread their entrepreneurial wings and fly.

For more information about Dr. Simon, who is promoted by the PR firm that I work for, please consult:

Here is a Q and A with him:

1.      What inspired you to write The Real Estate Journey: From Dreaming & Home Buying to Realty & Entrepreneurship? Portions of the book I initially began writing for real estate agents at my brokerage, Fit Realty. In the last 12 years, I have seen so many agents get inspired into entrepreneurship. I have watched many with great talent come in and make a boat load of money in their first full year in full-time real estate, but by the middle of the second year they began crashing, either because they did not understand the raw grit and endurance/mind game or because they lacked very essential core business philosophies, which I have attempted to weave into the book. Also, I started thinking and came to the realization that nearly every person I have spent time with over the last 10 years has been sparked into entrepreneurship. It was our time together that helped to strengthen the fire of a dream they had, but they lacked the confidence to pursue it. I wanted to help create a guideline for that. Lastly, my childhood friend, John Garvin, was transferred by the military and lived near me for a couple of years prior to me writing the book. Dr. Garvin, who is currently a professor at West Point, and I spent a ton of time catching up over those couple years that he was stationed here, and he began pushing me to write the book to help spark other people’s dreams.

2.      Your book, in part, discusses why real estate is a viable wealth option.  Why is real estate a favorite investment vehicle? The awareness of how simple it can be to retire well as a result of owning rental property was instilled into my life as a young man by my father.  Also, Kenton, my home building partner, and I learned quickly that “a builder is only as good as his land” as we jumped headfirst into the industry as young, naïve and foolish dreamers. That began the pronged journey of seeing all of the many ways in which money is made by various parties, starting from the land to a finished residential home. I have watched a lot of people with very little, if any, money accumulate storage units, rentals, multifamily homes, real estate wholesaling, and/or real estate agency over time. The cheapest real estate education available is to get a simple real estate license and help a few folks make their dreams come true.  Beginning there, serving others in property purchase, will help make the journey into property investment much safer than when they are led to go it alone.  Bottom line: you make money when you buy, not when you sell. Buy the property at the right price and you lock in your equity. Each time property trades hands, whether raw land, residential or multifamily, there are large chunks of money moving hands. 

3.      You are a serial entrepreneur, having started over 10 successful businesses.  What advice do you have for those who seek to create a profitable business?  First, try to only focus on getting one business (the one you believe will succeed the most) and push it into true success with money in the bank, a solid structure, and systems being executed before diving into another business. Second, decide what problem you want to solve. Many years ago, in my early twenties, I accepted the reality that people had constant problems, and if I could solve those problems I would get paid and others would appreciate having their problems solved. Plumbers solve plumbing problems; car salespeople solve car problems; nail technicians solve finger and toenail problems; military men and women solve war and peace problems; real estate agents solve home buying, selling, and rental problems. I later learned that if you solve problems but don’t have time to keep solving them, you can hire someone else to do it. That’s how a business system perpetuates itself: solve a commonly experienced problem, empower leaders and managers to solve that problem, and then pick a new problem to solve. I love solving problems.

4.      You provide some strategies for managing finances while on the entrepreneurial journey.  Can you share some of those tips with us? Yes, here are some tips:
·         Plan ahead – I like to plan five to ten years ahead. It comes very natural to me.
·         Create a budget – Get honest with yourself about how much debt you have, how much money you make, and how much money you need to afford the lifestyle you want to live.
·         Save – Make sure you save enough to pay your taxes, for investing, for a rainy day, for college accounts, and for vacations/luxury purchases.
·         Invest – There are a ton of ways to invest, including index funds, certificate of deposits, annuities, and of course, real estate.
·         Allocate your income – Take your income into account to get a complete picture of your budget. Think long-term and allocate wisely.
·         Increase your income – Get creative. Use your talents to work a side hustle. Sell items online. Or, get involved in real estate, and learn how to increase your sales.

5.      How does one create a “vision of success”?  Grеаt асhiеvеrѕ have a habit. Thеу ѕее themselves living the life of their dreams. Thеу imagine аlrеаdу having what they want. Teach yourself to visualize уоurѕеlf succeeding. See the light at the end of the tunnel bеfоrе еvеn starting. Create an inner dialog of ѕuссеѕѕ and аllоw уоurѕеlf to already fееl the fееlingѕ of achievement.

6.      How does one turn a dream into a goal?  To turn your dream into a goal, it needs to be SMART! It needs to be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Specific. Specific, meaning not broad. Measurable, meaning you need to be able to tell when you have accomplished the goal. Attainable, meaning it cannot be lofty or unachievable. Relevant, meaning it should be important to you and reference your values. Time-Specific, meaning it is not open-ended. 

7.      You were a teacher and an academic dean at a Bible College.  How did faith shape your views on business and wealth? As I mention in the book, it was during my time at YWAM that I embraced the concept of the father heart of God. The core of that has remained at the center of my strength to get up and fight another day regardless of how bad things may get along the way. Whether my businesses succeed or fail, I know ultimately that my father God will give me the strength and wisdom to rebuild. While at Regent getting my master’s degree in church history and doctrine, I fell in love with some of the great biblical warriors, including the Davids, Sampson, and Joseph. They all struggled and made huge mistakes, yet they got up and did great things. Business is a little bit like old testament warfare to me; business is my way to be a fighter, a warrior. Most call it competition. To me, business is personal. It does matter. I fight for my companies as a whole as aggressively as I would fight in hand-to-hand combat, old testament style, donkey bone in hand, let’s slay our enemies. Biblically speaking, failure is part of every successful person that God honored by having them mentioned in the scriptures. Failure is part of an entrepreneur’s journey, but most don’t want to accept that reality.

8.      What traits do many entrepreneurs share?  What aptitudes are needed? Key aptitudes that entrepreneurs should have include perseverance, self-assurance, creativity, tolerance for ambiguity, an attitude towards failure, action-oriented, and, most importantly, flexibility. “Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be broken.” This is a must and takes time to develop. Our world is rapidly changing, and businesses must stay on their toes at all times. There are times to be as stubborn as an old mule, but there are many more times that an entrepreneur must remain flexible.

9.      On the subject of home ownership, you say, there’s “no perfect spouse, no perfect house.”  So how should one decide which home to buy?  First find a real estate agent you can trust. Then find the home and neighborhood that meet your needs. Make the mоѕt of уоur rеаl еѕtаtе agent, as thеу саn hеlр еduсаtе уоu оn what to lооk for and what to аvоid, and they can рrоvidе уоu with reliable references for оthеr еxреrtѕ you’ll nееd аlоng the wау, ѕuсh as inѕресtоrѕ and lеndеrѕ. View as mаnу hоuѕеѕ in your price range and in your targeted location аѕ уоu possibly can. Talk to friends and family аbоut thеir real еѕtаtе experiences, and rеаllу listen. Реорlе can раѕѕ on invaluable аdviсе and rесоmmеnd gооd рrоfеѕѕiоnаlѕ in the trade. Kеер the faith that you’ll find the right hоuѕе for уоu. Wherever уоu go, kеер аn еуе out for properties. The реrfесt hоuѕе may just pop up and ѕurрriѕе you when уоu lеаѕt expect it. However, don’t forget: no perfect spouse, no perfect house! There is no such thing as a perfect house. Trust that the house you choose will be a great next step for you in this season of your life. Lastly, use your agent to negotiate to get the best price

10.  What are some of the key steps that home buyers need to be aware of?  Don’t choose just any real estate agent. If your region has new homes, be sure that you explore both new and re-sale homes. Decide in advance whether you are buying this house primarily as an investment or primarily because it suits your family. Do you want to buy a home you can make $100,000 profit over two to four years or do you want to buy a home because it will make you happy while you raise your family, use it for a tax write-off, and make a small profit in a few years? That core decision will swing you one way or the other on the final decision. But either way, make sure that you get all of the necessary home inspections and that you shop for homeowners’ insurance to protect your new home, Remember the time уоu tаkе when buying a home is a gооd invеѕtmеnt. The time you invest will pay you back 100-fold during your lifespan, and what you can leave in knowledge and assets to your children or a favorite charity will help you and others make more money over the long haul.

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Brian Feinblum’s insightful views, provocative opinions, and interesting ideas expressed in this terrific blog are his alone and not that of his employer or anyone else. You can – and should -- follow him on Twitter @theprexpert and email him at He feels much more important when discussed in the third-person. This is copyrighted by BookMarketingBuzzBlog ©2019. Born and raised in Brooklyn, he now resides in Westchester. His writings are often featured in The Writer and IBPA’s Independent.  This was named one of the best book marketing blogs by Book Baby and recognized by Feedspot in 2018 as one of the top book marketing blogs. Also named by as a "best resource.” He recently hosted a panel on book publicity for Book Expo America.

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