Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Interview With Best=Selling Inspirational Author Regina Lawless



1. What inspired you to write this book? I was inspired to write this book in the wake of my husband Al’s sudden death in 2021. Losing him so suddenly, upended everything I had planned for my life and forced me to go on a journey of self-discovery, which ultimately led to healing and some life-changing lessons that I wanted to share with others.  

2. What exactly is it about — and who is it written for? “Do You” is about rediscovering the real you and claiming the life that you deserve! It provides a 5-part framework with personal stories and practical tips to redefine success for yourself and live life to the fullest. Before my husband died, I was following the traditional blueprint for success - go to college, get a corporate job, start a family, work hard and achieve the American dream and all the material things that come along with that. And I had achieved that dream and more, including rising up the ranks to an Executive role in the Tech industry –only to find myself disillusioned. When my husband died I could no longer ignore the whispers that I wasn’t fulfilled. I wrote this book for other people who are disillusioned with their life or at a crossroads in their career, especially women and women of color who often face additional barriers and thus feel pressure to sacrifice more of themselves to get ahead. This book is a clarion call to “Do You” and succeed on your own terms.  

3. What do you hope readers will get out of reading your book? I hope readers will take away a sense of confidence that no matter where they are in their life or what obstacles they may be facing, that it is never too late to pivot and move in the direction of their desires. I want people who read this book to know that they don’t have to settle; that they are allowed to chase their dreams no matter how big or small. And I want them to have hope that there is life and love after loss.  

4. How did you decide on your book’s title and cover design? The title actually came from my late husband Al. Without giving the full story away (you’ll have to read the book for the details ) it was one of the last things he said to me.  

5. What advice or words of wisdom do you have for fellow writers – other than run!? Dedicate consistent time to writing. Find a comfortable space and commit to a writing schedule. There were times when I didn’t feel like writing or the words weren’t flowing on the page, but I sat down and wrote what I could and then sat back down the next day and just kept at it. I would recommend hiring a book coach if you can! My coach not only helped me structure my outline but kept me accountable to turning in my chapters on schedule.  

6. Were there experiences in your personal life or career that came in handy when writing this book? I relied on so much of my personal life and career to write the content of this book and to stay organized to complete my manuscript. The book is written partially as a memoir, so I share lots of personal stories including the ups and downs of my career. My hobby of journaling helped me to express myself authentically. And my professional background managing large projects at work definitely helped me to stay on track with the various milestones and deliverables involved in bringing a book to life.  

7. How would you describe your writing style? My book coach once told me that I have a poetic style of writing, and I tend to agree with that. I have always been a lover of words and when I write there is a certain rhythm or cadence that flows and just sounds right when you read it. I love language that is evocative and stays with you long after you turn the page.  

8. What challenges did you overcome in the writing of this book? The biggest hurdle was confidence. I have always wanted to write a book and considered myself a decent writer but was intimidated by the thought of writing a manuscript. I also knew in order for this book to have an impact that I would have to open myself up and be vulnerable with my struggles of grief, identity, motherhood and more, which is scary. Ultimately, I overcame my fears by recognizing that the themes in this book could help other people heal and move forward in life.  

9. If people can buy or read one book this week or month, why should it be yours? Choose “Do You” because it is a universal story of hope and triumph. It answers the question of what happens when the hero / heroine achieves their quest, only to find out it's the wrong destination. This book gives a blueprint to chart a new path towards the real prize, a life FULL of meaning.


About The Author: Regina Lawless, MSOD, is a bestselling author, speaker, spiritual teacher, and former head of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) at Instagram. In addition, Regina is the founder and CEO of Bossy & Blissful, a wellness company for women leaders. Regina has 18+ years of HR experience working for Fortune 500 companies, including Target, Safeway, Intel and Meta. Her first book, “Do You,” was published by Fast Company Press, in February 2024.

For more information, please see: https://reginalawless.com/


Do You Need Book Marketing & PR Help?

Brian Feinblum, the founder of this award-winning blog, with over four million page views, can be reached at brianfeinblum@gmail.com  He is available to help authors like you to promote your story, sell your book, and grow your brand. He has over 30 years of experience in successfully helping thousands of authors in all genres. Let him be your advocate, teacher, and motivator!


About Brian Feinblum

This award-winning blog has generated over four million pageviews. With 5,000+ posts over the past dozen years, it was named one of the best book marketing blogs by BookBaby  http://blog.bookbaby.com/2013/09/the-best-book-marketing-blogs  and recognized by Feedspot in 2021 and 2018 as one of the top book marketing blogs. It was also named by www.WinningWriters.com as a "best resource.”  Copyright 2025.


For the past three decades, Brian Feinblum has helped thousands of authors. He formed his own book publicity firm in 2020. Prior to that, for 21 years as the head of marketing for the nation’s largest book publicity firm, and as the director of publicity at two independent presses, Brian has worked with many first-time, self-published, authors of all genres, right along with best-selling authors and celebrities such as: Dr. Ruth, Mark Victor Hansen, Joseph Finder, Katherine Spurway, Neil Rackham, Harvey Mackay, Ken Blanchard, Stephen Covey, Warren Adler, Cindy Adams, Todd Duncan, Susan RoAne, John C. Maxwell, Jeff Foxworthy, Seth Godin, and Henry Winkler.


His writings are often featured in The Writer and IBPA’s The Independent (https://pubspot.ibpa-online.org/article/whats-needed-to-promote-a-book-successfully).


He hosted a panel on book publicity for Book Expo America several years ago, and has spoken at ASJA, BookCAMP, Independent Book Publishers Association Sarah Lawrence College, Nonfiction Writers Association, Cape Cod Writers Association, Willamette (Portland) Writers Association, APEX, Morgan James Publishing, and Connecticut Authors and Publishers Association. He served as a judge for the 2024 IBPA Book Awards.


His letters-to-the-editor have been published in The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, New York Post, NY Daily News, Newsday, The Journal News (Westchester) and The Washington Post. His first published book was The Florida Homeowner, Condo, & Co-Op Association Handbook.  It was featured in The Sun Sentinel and Miami Herald.


Born and raised in Brooklyn, he now resides in Westchester with his wife, two kids, and Ferris, a black lab rescue dog, and El Chapo, a pug rescue dog. 

You can connect with him at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brianfeinblum/ or https://www.facebook.com/brian.feinblum 

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