is in the eyes of the beholder and when it comes to writers, beauty is seen in
their art. But when an author is
physically attractive, will he or she benefit in a way that they sell more
books, get more book deals, or generate more book publicity?
have shown consumers are impacted by the visuals – beautiful smiles, young and
trim people, sexually alluring bodies, and well-dressed individuals. This is true in almost any industry. Looks count for something, especially if you
deal in sales, marketing, advertising, and politics. But they influence everyone. We are only human and we are drawn to those
that have a physically attractive trait.
how does this play out for authors?
start with what happens when someone meets a good-looking person. You are drawn to them and therefore, more
willing to listen to them and likely engage them in conversations longer than
with others. The more you talk, the more
likely you find something in common and feel friendly towards each other. People do favors for people they like.
at the role one’s looks play in marketing.
If you are attractive you’ll likely have more images up on social media
and your website. You are more likely to
have videos up, too. People are more
likely to watch a beautiful person-and feel more inclined to share their stuff. Those who are good looking will benefit from
their photo on a book’s cover or in an advertisement.
people tend to know other good-looking people.
Their network consists of those who also benefit from their looks and
have more resources and maybe bigger networks than others.
course, not everything is in the favor of the beautiful. They may become egotistical, self-centered,
and jealous of others. Their coping
abilities and personalities may not be as pleasant as their looks. Some may even argue that one’s looks are
inversely proportionate to one’s I.Q., but that may not be the case.
authors will naturally play up their strongest assets to sell themselves and a
book. Brains, contacts, experiences, looks – they can be of equal weight. We
exploit whom we know, what we have, and what we do. Does this mean the non-attractive are at a
not at all. You have something going for
you – your voice, personality, energy, ideas, experiences …and words! You have wisdom, wit, and gumption. You have what others don’t. Sell your self! Of course, if you have a good body and sultry
smile, well, no reason not to use it all.
How authors get their book marketing mojo – and avoid
Authors cannot succeed
without the right attitude
So what is needed to be a
champion book marketer?
Should You Promote Your
Book By Yourself?
The Book Marketing Strategies Of Best-Sellers
How authors can sell more books
No. 1 Book Publicity Resource: 2019 Toolkit For Authors
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