If Jesus were alive
today, would he:
-Feed the poor, or give tax breaks to the super rich?
-Comfort the old and infirm, or cut Social Security?
-Care for God’s Creation, or slash environmental protections?
-Feed the poor, or give tax breaks to the super rich?
-Comfort the old and infirm, or cut Social Security?
-Care for God’s Creation, or slash environmental protections?
Would he live in a red or blue state?
In this provocative and
insightful book, Jesus Rode A Donkey: Why Millions of Christians Are
Democrats, 5th Edition (Clovercroft Publishing May 5th,
Trade Paperback, 253 pages, ISBN:
978-1950892143, $16.99), author Dr. Linda Seger, a
theologian and a Quaker, explores what it means to be a Christian and a
Democrat as we approach a sure-to-be historic 2020 election.
“Being Christian and
a Democrat are not mutually exclusive,” asserts Seger, Th.D. “My book reveals
the close relationship between Democratic policy and Jesus’ teachings and the
many ways in which the values Jesus espouses in the Bible correspond to the
values Democrats call their own.”
The idea that
American Christians vote strictly Republican crumbles as readers peruse Seger’s
careful study of both parties’ platforms. Jesus Rode A Donkey
reminds the reader that Jesus and the prophets had a radical, progressive
message that calls individuals and nations to feed the hungry, help the poor,
heal the sick, free the oppressed, and to love our enemies. The Democrats
embrace these values.
Jesus Rode A
the two major parties stand on key issues that Christians value.
role religion can play in politics.
Christians can support a Democratic platform that includes abortion and LGBTQ
civil rights, which some may say are prohibited in the Bible.
of Scripture that have led to bad theology and immoral policy.
misperception that Republican Christians represent the political views of all
party is better positioned to bring us peace rather than another war.
Christian democrats need to fight global warming.
to bridge the great political divide.
“The public needs to
understand that Republicans do not have the corner on Christ,” says Dr. Seger.
“They have actually lost their moral authority and moral compass since 2016 by
not speaking out against unchristian, immoral behavior from our government.”
Jesus Rode A
Donkey is a
well-researched, soul-searching, and clear-eyed look at America’s Christian
values and how they impact policy. It also makes a strong case that the
Democratic platform clearly reflects Christian values.
For more information,
please consult: www.jesusrodeadonkey.com.
below is an interview with Seger, who is represented by the PR firm that I work for:
1. What is the
premise behind Jesus Rode A Donkey, 5th Edition? Jesus Rode a Donkey is designed to give a voice to Christian
Democrats and to shed a light from Scripture and Christian theology on
important issues that determine what kind of country we have and what kind of
values we espouse. I added two new chapters in this fifth
edition–” Welcome the Stranger" which focuses on those who are
"the Other", such as the immigrants. The other chapter is called
"And what about Trump?" which looks at Trump's actions and words and
calls him to account for his so-called Christianity which is espoused by some
evangelical spokespeople who believe he is one of the greatest Christian
presidents. That assessment must not be allowed to stand without challenges!
2. Linda, what
inspired you to write about what it means to be a Christian and a Democrat?
Originally this book was an assignment from a publisher in 2006. The publisher asked me to write a book that would be titled, Jesus Was a Democrat and I said I couldn't write that book because I think that Jesus was an independent. I was interested in exploring this because I was getting very tired of the Republicans claiming they had the corner on Christ. I was a Democrat and a Christian with theology degrees and an experienced writer which is what they were looking for. I became fascinated with the issues and with the differences between the Republican and Democratic platform. And I became more and more convinced that most Democratic policies were more in line with the teachings of Jesus.
Originally this book was an assignment from a publisher in 2006. The publisher asked me to write a book that would be titled, Jesus Was a Democrat and I said I couldn't write that book because I think that Jesus was an independent. I was interested in exploring this because I was getting very tired of the Republicans claiming they had the corner on Christ. I was a Democrat and a Christian with theology degrees and an experienced writer which is what they were looking for. I became fascinated with the issues and with the differences between the Republican and Democratic platform. And I became more and more convinced that most Democratic policies were more in line with the teachings of Jesus.
3. How do we even
properly categorize or define who a Christian is or what a Democrat believes? Although definitions of Christians and of
Democrats can be fairly broad, there are core principles that each of them
follows. Democrats historically believe that part of the work of government is
to protect those who don't have the money or power to protect themselves.
Democrats have supported looking out for "the least of these" in our
society, supported equality which means workers’ rights, equal rights for
women and others, caring about the poor and middle-class - and working toward
perfecting those ideals. Many of these are also Christian values – caring for
the least of these, respecting women and the marginalized and outcast of
society, trying to heal the body and the spirit. These are the values of
democracy, Christianity, and of Democrats.
4. You were raised as
a Republican in the 1950s. What swayed you to realize the Democrats are more
aligned with your faith? I
grew up in a Republican family during the 50s when everybody liked Ike. My
mother moved over to the Democrats before I did as a result of the influence of
her Lutheran minister during the Vietnam War. I became a Democrat as a result
of the influence of the Quakers around 1970 and as a result of my years in
seminary where I became more aware of social justice issues. Both my mother and
I were also very much influenced by my uncle, Dr. Norman Graebner, who was a
renowned professor of American history/American diplomacy at the University of
Virginia and a Democrat. When he was a guest professor at Stanford,
Diane Feinstein was one of his students. This book is dedicated to him.
5. Why is it
popularly believed that the Christian Right is with the Republicans and the
Atheists and Agnostics are with the Democrats? There are many
misconceptions about voting patterns by Christians. It is thought that most
Christians vote Republican. Not true. Between 75% and 80% of white
evangelicals vote Republican. But over 90% of black evangelicals vote
Democrat. Around 50-70% of mainstream Protestants and Catholics vote Democrat.
(United Church of Christ, Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians). Over 90%
of Quakers (I’m a Quaker) vote Democrat – although we are quite a small group.
Atheists, Agnostics, Jews, and “other” and “none” tend to vote Democratic
because they find a home in their openness to diversity.
6. Which party
challenges or supports religious freedom in America? Democrats have
been far more open to the separation of church and state and to religious
freedom and religious rights regardless of what spiritual path people follow.
Our country began with a lack of religious freedom – people could be jailed or
killed for not following the rules such as not going to church on Sunday.
Religious freedom was won by people such as Baptist Roger Williams in Rhode
Island and Quaker William Penn in Pennsylvania. Republicans, and certainly
under Trump, have been more apt to deny religious freedom to others who are not
evangelical Christians, such as Muslims, more progressive Christians, or
nonwhite Catholics. There are many Republicans who believe that it is not
possible to be a Christian Democrat.
7. Does either party
have the inside route to moral authority? It used to be that the Republicans
believed they had the moral compass and the moral authority. They sold that
idea. But since 2015, Christian Republicans have lost their moral
authority and their moral compass. They are silent before the most heinous actions.
They swear their allegiance to Trump and treat him as an idol. They stand by
silently while children are put in cages, while thousands die as he holds back
aid for coronavirus patients, while he lies and spreads hate through his words
and actions. They kowtow and are beholden to this fool of a president. (Yes, he
fits the biblical definition of a fool!) Neither party has the corner on
Christ. But Republican Christians have lost their moral authority - perhaps for
8. How can Christians
support the Democrats when people interpret the Bible to oppose gay marriage
and abortion? There
is nothing in the Bible about abortion. Nothing! The Republican Party platform
in the 1980s and 1990s chose to emphasize this issue because they felt it could
help them capture some of the voting blocks that had leaned Democrat in the
past. There are fewer than 10 verses in the entire Bible on homosexuality
and most of those verses relate to decadent sexual practices between unequal
power relationships – such as an older man taking advantage of a boy or a young
man taking advantage of a wealthy older man. The only verses very specifically
against homosexuality as a sexual act are in the Holiness Codes from 3000 years
ago and we no longer follow most of the other rules from those codes.
9. What are the
biggest hot-button issues of the day – and why do you believe the Democrats are
more compassionate and tolerant? Evangelical white Christian Republicans
generally consider the hot button issues of the day to be abortion and LGBTQ
rights. I know several Republicans who will determine their vote based only on
both of these issues or one of these issues. Democrats consider the hot button
issues to be climate change, health care, equal rights and creating a more
peaceful world through understanding the many conflicts in our world. Democrats
tend to focus on issues that equalize the playing field and take care of the
suffering and often marginalized, and those who need the care and protection
that can only come from the government. Our response comes from compassion and
10. Are more Democrats
speaking publicly about their faith than they used to? Is this a political
strategy or a reflection of a shift? In this 2020 election, Democrats have been
more open to talking about their faith. Democrats are a very diverse group, so
have tended to not talk as much about their faith partly because of their
respect for other spiritual paths. Republican Christians tend to talk about
themselves as “believers” – meaning they believe in Jesus Christ as their
personal Savior. They put the emphasis on belief systems. When Democrats talk
about their faith, they are more apt to talk about how their faith has
influenced them – by moving them to more socially conscious policies or because
it has helped them through tough times. Most of the 2020 Democratic
Presidential candidates have church affiliations - there is no church
affiliation of either Donald Trump or Mike Pence.
11. So, if Jesus were
alive today, what would he do about immigration, poverty, health care, or the
environment? Jesus
always cared about and took the side of “the least of these” - the widows
and the orphans and the oppressed and the children and those who are suffering
and those who are sick. And since nations are to follow religious values,
we can be sure that Jesus, who was a refugee and an immigrant in Egypt, would care
about the suffering of the children in cages and the people fleeing for their
lives, just as he and his family did. He is the great healer and he would heal
others. His father God created the world and he would care for this gift of
Creation that has been given to all of us. As Judge, he would confront and seek
12. What would you say
to first-time voters who want to adopt political values that are in line with
their faith? Voters
need to recognize that their value system needs to come out in public policy. There
is a direct relationship between people who believe we should love our neighbor
and love our enemies and policy that deals with diplomacy, reducing conflict,
recognizing the suffering in the world and realizing that some suffering can
only be dealt with through national policy, not just through churches and
individuals. Look carefully at the issues. Look carefully at Scripture. Pray.
Ponder. Don’t just vote Republican, or Democrat, because your parents did and
your minister told you what to think, and look carefully at the good that will
be done by particular laws and policies.
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Brian Feinblum’s
insightful views, provocative opinions, and interesting ideas expressed in
this terrific blog are his
alone and not that of his employer or anyone else. You can – and should --
follow him on Twitter @theprexpert and email him
at brianfeinblum@gmail.com. He feels much more important when discussed in
the third-person. This is copyrighted by BookMarketingBuzzBlog ©2020. Born and
raised in Brooklyn, he now resides in Westchester. His writings are often
featured in The Writer and IBPA’s Independent.
This was named one of the best book marketing blogs by Book Baby http://blog.bookbaby.com/2013/09/the-best-book-marketing-blogs and
recognized by Feedspot in 2018 as one of the top book marketing blogs. Also
named by WinningWriters.com as a "best resource.” He recently hosted
a panel on book publicity for Book Expo America.
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