Sunday, May 3, 2020

Author Seeks A Natural and Non-Toxic Approach to Fighting Corona

                                        Winning the War on Cancer: The Epic Journey Towards a Natural Cure by [Sylvie Beljanski, Gretchen DuBeau]

When the outbreak of COVID-19 began to take hold in the United States, wellness expert and author Sylvie Beljanski immediately knew what to do.

“The first defense against this virus or any disease is to detoxify the body and to maintain a balanced state of wellness,” says Beljanski, the daughter of a renowned French scientist. She has continued his legacy with independent research into the curing powers of environmental medicine.

“No doubt COVID-19 is deadly and especially dangerous to certain population segments, but one of the ways to prevent many viruses from sickening us is to build up a stronger immune system,” she says. This includes better sleep, less stress, detoxification, diet, exercise, and the consumption of natural substances.”

Beljanski, the CEO of the 21-year-old Beljanski Foundation, founded Maison Beljanski two years ago, a NYC-based wellness center that empowers people to enhance their health naturally through educational events, holistic coaching, and high-end, exclusive products. She is the author of Winning The War On Cancer.

In 1996, Ms. Beljanski founded Natural Source International, Ltd., a company that brings together science and nature to create innovative natural/organic health and beauty products. These well-known products are now used around the world.

Fulfilling a promise to carry on her father's legacy, The Beljanski Foundation, a non-profit organization in New York City, was founded in 1999. Its mission is to further her late father’s research (Dr. Mirko Beljanski, a biologist-biochemist who worked for many years at the famous Pasteur Institute in Paris) by researching natural compounds with anticancer potential. Her research is being conducted within a network of prestigious institutions, including Columbia University Medical Center, Kansas University Medical Center, and Cancer Treatment Centers of America®.

Ms. Beljanski, the CEO of the Foundation, relentlessly spreads the word and educating the public about the effects of environmental toxins on our health.

The New Yorker shares more information at

Here is an interesting ,timely interview with Beljanski, who is a client of the book publicity firm that I work for:

1.      Do you view COVID-19 as an environmental toxin?
Viruses are perfect parasites. Outside a living cell, a virus is a dormant particle, not able to reproduce itself. Only when it enters a host cell, it goes into action by hijacking the cell’s own cellular process. DNA viruses (like the poxvirus) can replicate in the host cell. RNA viruses, including the coronavirus COVID-19, need to infect cells by injecting RNA into the cytoplasm of the host cell and then use its transcription enzyme (reverse transcriptase) to create DNA from RNA templates. From then on, the infected cell will produce virally encoded protein that will replicate the virus’ genetic material.

As a young researcher, Dr. Mirko Beljanski spent several years working with Severo Ochoa, a 1959 Nobel Prize Winner. Severo Ochoa was recognized for his discovery of an enzyme in bacteria called polynucleotide phosphorylase, which enabled him to synthesize Ribonucleic acid (RNA).

This work led Dr. Beljanski to further study, and eventually re-create the process whereby the hereditary information contained in genes is translated. In the process, he showed how some metals may inhibit or stimulate the reverse transcriptase enzyme.

Metals are indispensable for DNA synthesis and a host of metabolic processes. Iron in particular is necessary for blood oxygenation. A depletion in iron prevents proper enzymatic activity and leads to anemia, but too much of it will promote reverse transcriptase activity, leading to increased virus duplication and cancer.

Heavy metals are a common source of toxicity. They are in many of the products we use every day, including in the water we drink. When fighting a viral pandemic, it is time to limit any chance of heavy metal overload. It is actually a perfect time to consider a good heavy metal detoxification through oral chelation.

2.      How is the war on cancer being impacted by the focus and resources applied to COVID-19?
With the shutdown of universities and stay at home orders everywhere, cancer research has come to a standstill, as far as I know. The Beljanski Foundation’s mission is to study and share knowledge of effective non-toxic natural answers to cancer that work both alone and in synergy with traditional western medicine. We achieve our mission through partnerships with various academic institutions around the world. We are currently working on a research program with Kansas University Medical Center and studying a special blend of tea with great anti-cancer properties, but for now, all of our programs have come to a halt.

One could wonder why COVID-19 has been able to bring the word to a stop, when it is the third leading cause of mortality. According to statistics recently reported by Newsweek, 748 people per day die from COVID-19 in the U.S., compared to 1,641 cancer deaths and 1,774 heart disease fatalities. Every sixth death in the world is due to cancer, making it the second leading cause of death (second only to cardiovascular diseases). In 2017, 9.6 million people are estimated to have died from the various forms of cancer. As of April 6th, the number of reported coronavirus deaths, worldwide, was 70,000.

There are several factors, in my view, that play in favor of turning all the attention towards coronavirus:
  • The “War on Cancer” is kind of an old theme, going back to 1971 and the signing of the National Cancer Act by President Nixon. The goal at the time was to win the war on Cancer within 20 years. 50 years later, Cancer is still there, and the number of cancer cases keeps increasing. The scientific community welcomes the funding of a new effort.
  • Pharmaceutical companies love vaccination campaigns. Millions of doses paid for by the governments. While scientists have given up on the idea of a vaccine for cancer, this new pandemic seems like a wonderful opportunity for a mandatory world-wide vaccination!

3.      How are you helping doctors today to keep people healthy? Why do you see the virus as an environmental toxin?
 The virus is not striking everybody with the same severity. People who are healthy and have a good immune system are much better off than those who have underlying conditions. The inequalities may be attributed to many factors: some people have better genetics, some live in better conditions and some are eating better than others. We can lament about inequalities and do nothing about them, or we can address those which can be addressed. We address those inequalities through our commitment to offer ongoing education both to healthcare practitioners, and to the general public.

The Beljanski Foundation is committed to fund research programs, and have academic institutions study natural therapies, and publish all of their results, sharing with the public all this wealth of knowledge regarding the safety and efficacy of those compounds. This effort has been sustained since the incorporation of this 501(C)(3) in 1999, here in New York, and has led to numerous publications from institutions like Columbia University, Kansas University Medical Center, and Cancer Treatment Centers of America.

Also, through my company Maison Beljanski, I try to educate people about all aspects of integrative medicine by hosting events (when we were hosting events - we may have to consider doing virtual events in the future) providing people with the opportunity to hear from healthcare professionals speaking of all aspects of integrative medicine. We provide those various healthcare professionals with a platform to share their message and get known to the public. We also provide them with an exclusive line of products of pristine quality of which they can rely on. Finally, we are holding webinars for healthcare professionals and providing health coaching sessions to individuals.

The key is to educate the public at large about better self-care, about environmental pollution and gentle detoxification, about the connection between emotions and diseases, about better eating and digestive issues, and creating a safe place where they can connect with healthcare professionals to discuss men’s or women’s health issues, autism questions, cancer prevention diet and everything in between. As part of a defense against a potentially dangerous environment, each individual develops their own unique immune system, which acknowledges only itself. Awareness, education, help people to make the right choices and avoid the underlying health issues that increase their risk factors in the face of a pandemic.

4.      How can we obtain wellness balance at a time when we are stressed, out of our routine, and dealing with a pandemic?
 Centuries ago, Socrates was criticizing the doctors of his day for separating the mind from the body. It has been a long time, but it is now scientifically accepted that the emotional centers of the brain are connected with the immune system, the nervous system and the hormonal apparatus. We have one system and the science that studies it is called psychoneuroimmunology.

The relationship between a person’s emotional state - mainly in relation to negative feelings such as stress and depression - and diseases such as cancer or autoimmunological flare-ups has been demonstrated.

So while going through today’s difficult times, it is more important than ever to resist the undercover appeal of drowning oneself into anxiety and depression. Sure if you are feeling this way, doctors have a pill for everything, and could recommend:

·         Anti-anxiety drugs called benzodiazepines (Xanax, Valium)
·         Anti-depressants (Prozac)
·         Sleeping medications, if anxiety interferes with sleep
But if you are reading this newsletter, you are probably more interested in feeling better naturally. Here are a number of natural and non-toxic techniques that could help:
·         Exercise is a great way to burn off anxious energy
·         Meditation can help to slow racing thoughts, making it easier to manage stress and anxiety
·         Progressive relaxation exercises can help people unconsciously release tense muscles and stop jaw clenching in response to anxiety
·         Journaling is a great way to put your feelings out there and cope with anxiety
·         Aromatherapy (lavender may be especially helpful) may help calming down in the short term and improve sleep in the long term
·         CBD oil does not contain tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, which is the substance that creates a “high.” It claims to reduce anxiety
·         Pets offer companionship, love, and support

When symptoms subside and those techniques are not enough, therapy can help a person to understand what triggers their anxiety, and making lifestyle changes to replace negative reactions with positive or constructive alternatives.

Finally, remember that choosing a healthy diet, along with Vitamin C and Vitamin D3, or a good multi formula with natural vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, will help you day in and day out to remain on top of things, and stay positive and open to what next good thing life will surprise you with.

5.      What is your strategy to fighting viruses?
While our community is in the middle of an unprecedented healthcare challenge, we here at Natural Source/Maison Beljanski wanted to reach out to you in hopes that you, your family, and loved ones are all well during the COVID-19 pandemic.

More than ever, we want to reaffirm our commitment to provide you with information and support to help you maintain and even improve your well-being.

For almost 40 years, the late Prof. Mirko Beljanski studied DNA and RNA biology and made numerous discoveries, providing great scientific contributions to our understanding of basic life processes, cancer, viral illnesses and autoimmune diseases. His work also has major practical implications in supporting normal physiological functions and improving one’s health.

Dr. Mirko Beljanski’s research provided us with a three step approach to fight viruses:
1.      Strengthen the immune system
2.      Inhibit viral duplication
3.      Destruction of infected cells

  1. Strengthen your immune system

Pathogens range from viruses to parasitic worms and sometimes they change themselves (mutate) to keep infecting and replicating in their hosts despite treatments.

When we encounter a pathogen, whatever it is, we want to keep it outside our bodies. Our skin is our first line of defense. Hence the recommendation of washing our hands.

Then comes the other physical barriers -- that will help us destroy the pathogen (stomach acid), or help us expel it (tears, mucus).

But sometimes, the invader makes its way within. Your immune system is then called to the rescue. Its job is to protect you against harmful pathogens (like bacteria and viruses), and limit damage from noninfectious agents (like sunburn or cancer). But what if you don’t have a strong immune system? This is why all whose immune systems are weakened, including adults and children with serious chronic health conditions (including cancer) are at greater risk of developing serious complications from COVID-19.

The immune system is composed of a variety of cells and cell signals, working together to prevent and cure infections. All of these immune cells derive from stem cells in the bone marrow.

Individuals undergoing chemotherapy often see their white blood cells damaged by the treatment, leading to the weakening of their immune systems. As Dr. Mirko Beljanski was looking into helping individuals whose white blood cells have been damaged by chemotherapy, he developed small RNA fragments that can prime the replication of DNA in bone marrow stem cells. The bone marrow, in turn, creates all the lines of white blood cells that soldier our immune system. In a clinical trial at Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA), where the studied population was cancer patients with very weakened immunity, these RNA fragments proved to be a breakthrough: no toxicity, no side effects, and a better immune system.

  1. Inhibit viral duplication

Viruses are perfect parasites. Outside a living cell, a virus is a dormant particle, not able to reproduce itself. Only when it enters a host cell, it goes into action by hijacking the cellular processes. DNA viruses (like the poxvirus) can replicate in the host cell. RNA viruses, including COVID-19, need to infect cells by injecting RNA into the cytoplasm of the host cell and then using their own transcription enzyme (reverse transcriptase) to create DNA from viral RNA templates. From then on, the infected cell will produce virally encoded protein that will replicate the virus’s genetic material and generate new viruses.

As a young researcher, Dr. Mirko Beljanski spent several years working with 1959 Nobel Prize Winner Severo Ochoa. Ochoa was recognized for his discovery of an enzyme in bacteria called polynucleotide phosphorylase, which catalyzed the synthesis of ribonucleic acid (RNA). This work led Mirko Beljanski to further study, and eventually to re-create the conditions whereby the hereditary information contained in genes is translated. In the process, he showed how some metals may inhibit or stimulate the reverse transcriptase enzyme.

Metals are indispensable for DNA synthesis and a host of metabolic processes. Iron in particular is necessary for blood oxygenation. A depletion in iron prevents proper enzymatic activity and leads to anemia. But too much iron will promote reverse transcriptase activity, leading to increased viral duplication. Excess iron can also promote cancer cell growth.

Heavy metals are a common source of toxicity. They are in many of the products we use every day, including the water we may drink. When fighting a viral pandemic, it is time to limit any chance of heavy metal overload. It is actually a perfect time to consider a good heavy metal detoxification through oral chelation.

  1. Destruction of the infected cells.

In the 1980s, Dr. Beljanski studied an extract of Pao pereira (at the time called “PB-100” Produit Beljanski 100mg), made from the bark of a tree that grows in the Amazon Rain Forest.

Dr. Beljanski showed that Pao pereira could inhibit the replication of RNA viruses, in different species, ranging from plants (TMV), to birds (AEV) and cats (FIV). That led him to work on the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), also an RNA virus. The results of a clinical trial performed on people infected with HIV and treated orally with PB-100 for 12 months, were published in 1994. This study demonstrated the safety of the extract, the improvement of lymphocyte sub-populations (T4 / T8 ratio), as well as other positive indications.

This broad spectrum anti-viral action results from inhibition of reverse transcriptase in those cells infected by the RNA viruses. COVID-19 is known to be an RNA virus, but no study has been made possible at this time to test the effectiveness of Pao pereira.

Since Dr. Mirko Beljanski published his results on the antiviral activity of Pao pereira in 1985, numerous people have either tried to negate the discovery or unduly pretend they were part of the story. Since then, The Beljanski Foundation, through partnerships with various academic institutions, has obtained confirmation that Pao pereira also exhibits a broad spectrum of anti-cancer activity.

For nearly 25 years, we’ve have built a brand with the intent to serve our greater community of employees, family, and friends when they need us most – whenever, wherever they are.

Please know that we are thinking of you as we are all in this together.

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Brian Feinblum’s insightful views, provocative opinions, and interesting ideas expressed in this terrific blog are his alone and not that of his employer or anyone else. You can – and should -- follow him on Twitter @theprexpert and email him at He feels much more important when discussed in the third-person. This is copyrighted by BookMarketingBuzzBlog ©2020. Born and raised in Brooklyn, he now resides in Westchester. His writings are often featured in The Writer and IBPA’s Independent.  This was named one of the best book marketing blogs by Book Baby and recognized by Feedspot in 2018 as one of the top book marketing blogs. Also named by as a "best resource.” He recently hosted a panel on book publicity for Book Expo America.

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